Embedded Systems Lab - SS2007

Please tick the box in the table below if you have completed testing the ES lab for the week as indicated. If there is any problem, please mail me ASAP beutel@tik.ee.ethz.ch.

Also you can use this table as a time sheet to keep track of your working hours.

PersonP1P2P3P4P5P6Working Hours
Jan Beutel27.03.     2.5h
Matthias Woehrle       
Clemens Moser       
Min Guo       
Jonas Mühlethaler27. + 9h) + 9.5h + 6.5h + 6h + 6.5h
Damian Schneider27.03.XX08. + 6h + 5.5h + 6.75h
Mathias Ottiger21. + 9h) + 11h + 6h + 6h + 10.5h
Martin Wirz27. + 7h) + 7h + 5h + 5.5h + 6.5h

Remarks to P1

  • Most students spend to much time trying to solve Ex. 2.1. so they don't have enough time to solve the more important exercises.This ex. should be labeled as 'optional' or canceled at all.

  • Typo in Ex. 2.2. Now import the btNODE_snap_btnode3_binary package. However, it is called btNUT_snap_btnode3_binary.

  • Figure 2.5: One should mention, that AVR Studio is a Windows tool only and therefore not available on the Tardis clients.

  • Ex. 2.15.: Many students did not know a terminal program under linux. An explanation how to start a terminal program should be added. ~ minicom usb0
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