TinyOS on BTnodes

TinyOS on the BTnode rev3

Preliminary support for BTnode rev2 is available in tinyos-1.x/contrib/tinybt. Support for tinyos-2.x is under development.

Contact us for details.

TinyOS-2.x Basic Support

The platform definition resides in tos/platforms/btnode3.

The initial tinyos-2.x support is for the AVR processor with 4 KBytes SRAM, 4 LEDs and the Chipcon CC1000 radio only. Missing/pending are the extended SRAM on the AVR, the serial ID, power management with switched power supplies and Bluetooth.

Known to work are the demo applications Blink and RadioCount/SenseToLeds.

Installing TinyOS 2.x

XubunTOS TinyOS - Linux live CD is available here for download as European Mirror [iso]

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