nut/include/sys/thread.h File Reference

Detailed Description

Thread management definitions.

 * $Log: thread.h,v $
 * Revision 1.23  2009/03/05 22:16:57  freckle
 * use __NUT_EMULATION instead of __APPLE__, __linux__, or __CYGWIN__
 * Revision 1.22  2009/02/06 15:37:40  haraldkipp
 * Added stack space multiplier and addend. Adjusted stack space.
 * Revision 1.21  2009/01/19 18:55:12  haraldkipp
 * Added stack checking code.
 * Revision 1.20  2009/01/17 11:26:51  haraldkipp
 * Getting rid of two remaining BSD types in favor of stdint.
 * Replaced 'u_int' by 'unsinged int' and 'uptr_t' by 'uintptr_t'.
 * Revision 1.19  2008/08/11 07:00:28  haraldkipp
 * BSD types replaced by stdint types (feature request #1282721).
 * Revision 1.18  2008/06/15 17:05:52  haraldkipp
 * Rolled back to version 1.16.
 * Revision 1.16  2007/06/14 07:24:38  freckle
 * Disable ADC and buskeeper during idle thread sleep, if IDLE_THREAD_ADC_OFF and IDLE_THREAD_BUSKEEPER_OFF are defined
 * Revision 1.15  2006/09/29 12:24:14  haraldkipp
 * Stack allocation code moved from thread module to heap module.
 * All code should use dedicated stack allocation routines. For targets
 * allocating stack from the normal heap the API calls are remapped by
 * preprocessor macros.
 * Revision 1.14  2006/06/29 03:52:19  hwmaier
 * Added include statement for cfg/memory.h so the macro
 * NUTMEM_STACKHEAP is found when compiling for the
 * AT90CAN128.
 * Revision 1.13  2006/06/28 14:35:31  haraldkipp
 * Event/thread/timer re-design.
 * Code indention corrected.
 * Volatile attribute removed from THREADINFO link pointer.
 * Revision 1.12  2006/03/16 15:25:34  haraldkipp
 * Changed human readable strings from u_char to char to stop GCC 4 from
 * nagging about signedness.
 * Revision 1.11  2005/10/07 21:48:25  hwmaier
 * Using __AVR_ENHANCED__ macro instead of __AVR_ATmega128__ to support also AT90CAN128 MCU
 * Revision 1.10  2005/10/04 05:25:17  hwmaier
 * Added support for separating stack and conventional heap as required by AT09CAN128 MCUs
 * Revision 1.9  2005/08/02 17:46:49  haraldkipp
 * Major API documentation update.
 * Revision 1.8  2005/07/26 15:49:59  haraldkipp
 * Cygwin support added.
 * Revision 1.7  2005/02/17 14:42:37  phblum
 * Removed volatile declarations of runQueue since it is not touched from interrupt context. Same for nutThreadList, runningThread and killedThreads.
 * Revision 1.6  2005/02/16 19:53:15  haraldkipp
 * Ready-to-run queue handling removed from interrupt context.
 * Revision 1.5  2004/07/09 19:51:34  freckle
 * Added new function NutThreadSetSleepMode to tell nut/os to set the MCU
 * into sleep mode when idle (avr-gcc && avr128 only)
 * Revision 1.4  2004/04/07 12:13:57  haraldkipp
 * Matthias Ringwald's *nix emulation added
 * Revision 1.3  2004/03/16 16:48:44  haraldkipp
 * Added Jan Dubiec's H8/300 port.
 * Revision 1.2  2003/12/15 19:28:26  haraldkipp
 * Kill function prototypes
 * Revision  2003/05/09 14:41:22  haraldkipp
 * Initial using 3.2.1
 * Revision 1.14  2003/02/04 18:00:54  harald
 * Version 3 released
 * Revision 1.13  2002/10/29 15:40:50  harald
 * *** empty log message ***
 * Revision 1.12  2002/06/26 17:29:29  harald
 * First pre-release with 2.4 stack

#include <sys/types.h>
#include <cfg/memory.h>
#include <stdint.h>

Data Structures

 Thread information structure. More...


 Stack size summand.
 Stack size factor.
#define SLEEP_MODE_NONE   0xff
#define THREAD(threadfn, arg)
 Macro for thread entry definitions.
Thread States
#define TDS_READY   2
#define TDS_RUNNING   1
#define TDS_SLEEP   3
#define TDS_TERM   0




HANDLE GetThreadByName (char *name)
void NutThreadAddPriQueue (NUTTHREADINFO *td, NUTTHREADINFO *volatile *tqpp)
HANDLE NutThreadCreate (char *name, void(*fn)(void *), void *arg, size_t stackSize)
void NutThreadDestroy (void)
void NutThreadExit (void)
__BEGIN_DECLS void NutThreadInit (void)
void NutThreadKill (void)
void NutThreadRemoveQueue (NUTTHREADINFO *td, NUTTHREADINFO *volatile *tqpp)
void NutThreadResume (void)
uint8_t NutThreadSetPriority (uint8_t level)
size_t NutThreadStackAvailable (char *name)
NUTTHREADINFONutThreadStackCheck (size_t minsiz)
void NutThreadSwitch (void)
void NutThreadWake (HANDLE timer, HANDLE th)
void NutThreadYield (void)



Define Documentation


Stack size summand.

The specified value will be added to all configured stack sizes.



Stack size factor.

Configured stack sizes are multiplied with this value.

All stack size settings of internal Nut/OS threads had been calculated for size optimized code. Probably more stack space is required with other compiler settings.

For example, when GCC generates non-optimized code for source code debugging, a factor of 3 should be applied to all stack sizes.

Application code may also make use of this macro.

 #include <sys/thread.h>


 NutThreadCreate("myth", ThreadFunc, 0, MY_THREAD_STACK);


#define TDS_READY   2

Thread is ready to run.

#define TDS_RUNNING   1

Thread is running.

#define TDS_SLEEP   3

Thread is sleeping.

#define TDS_TERM   0

Thread has exited.

#define THREAD ( threadfn,
arg   ) 


void threadfn(void *arg) __attribute__ ((noreturn)); \
void threadfn(void *arg)
Macro for thread entry definitions.

bt-lego/bt-lego.c, threads/threads.c, and uart-suart/uart-suart.c.

Generated on Wed Apr 29 11:12:30 2009 for BTnut System Software by doxygen 1.5.1
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